Catalysts and Crosslinkers

Low temperature catalysts and special chemical auxiliaries to boost textile treatments' efficiency

A catalyst is a substance that can be added to a chemical reaction to increase the reaction rate without any change to the process.

In denim and garment finishing, catalysts are used to speed up a process phase, making the step faster and more efficient.

Comparison between a denim fabric before and after the addition to the treatment of a Garmon's Catalyst product Comparison between a denim fabric before and after the addition to the treatment of a Garmon's Catalyst product

Comparison: on the left a denim garment bleached with chlorine for 15 minutes; on the right the same treatment time, but with the addition of avol act

Crosslinking is the general term for the process of joining two polymer chains together. When polymer chains are crosslinked, the material becomes more rigid.

In the garment finishing industry, a typical use of a crosslinker is to lower the curing temperature of a synthetic polymer.

Garmon’s catalysts and crosslinkers work in combination with other Garmon products, enhancing the cost-effectiveness and production efficiency, as well as enabling some special treatments.

The range includes certified and eco-friendly products, included in the ZDHC Gateway, safe for humans and for the environment.

Catalysts and Crosslinkers:

laser wiz

Innovative catalyst that boosts laser action, significantly improving the efficiency and the discoloration power. The result is a higher productivity of the laser treatments. 

  • ZDHC
  • Nimbus
  • Smart Foam

avol act

Catalyst to improve hypochlorite action. Treatment times and chlorine dosages can be reduced, thus preserving elasticity on stretch denim.
  • Smart Foam

booster ow

Specific additive for avol oxy white and avol evanix applications, to obtain a better whiteness and bluer hues on denim garments.

  • ZDHC
  • Nimbus
  • Smart Foam

catal lt

Innovative crosslinking agent for polymer based resins, active at low temperatures.
Do you want to test Garmon's Catalysts and Crosslinkers in your laundry?