Cellulase-based enzymes for stone wash treatments at
different temperatures and pH conditions
The process of stone washing began towards the end of the 1970’s, putting denim garments together with the pumice stones into the washing machines.
As the wash drum rotates, the garments are repeatedly pounded and beaten by the stones, abrading the fibers and the indigo color on the denim fabric. The result is a vintage and worn look on brand new garments.
However, the sole use of pumice stone produced many disadvantages:
The enzymes produced by Garmon open new possibilities by increasing the variety of achievable finishes while reducing both the environmental risk and the washing machines wear.
Garmon Chemicals' auxiliaries for stone washing gives a natural look to jeans and denim garments, maintaining high contrast on abraded areas without damaging metal parts (buttons, rivets, etc.).
Furthermore, Garmon’s enzymatic stone wash process eliminates all the issues related to the transportation, manual labor and disposal of the pumice stones, reducing the impact on the environment and on the industrial laundries' workers.
The concentrated version of our new neutral cellulase enzymes for denim stone washing. The strength of kemzymes ks eliminates the need for the use of pumice stones. Designed to work at room temperature.
The new generation powder of neutral cellulase enzymes for the stone washing of denim. Starting at room temperature.
Innovative stonewashing enzyme in powder form, optimized for very low liquor-ratio applications. Produces a strong abrasion and rich contrasts on denim garments.
Powder enzyme for stonewashing treatments with very low liquor-ratio applications. Thanks to its properties, kemzyme max effectively replaces the use of pumice stones. Formula optimized for a riduced back-staining.
Our strongest enzyme for denim desizing and stonewashing in the same bath, at the same time. Optimized for traditional bath applications. Active at room temperature, at 50°C it also performs a light bleaching of the garments.
Powder product based on neutral cellulase enzymes for stone-wash treatments with low back-staining levels. Optimum use conditions: 40-60°C and pH 6-8.